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 Westside Community Center 431 SW Birley Ave Lake City, Florida ----------------- Located 1 mile from the old Lake Lona Elementary School property
Lake Lona Elementary School
The annual reunion is currently (2015) held on various days in April at:
Westside Community Center 431 SW Birley Ave Lake City, Florida
Reunion Info Contact:
Jo Ann NOEGEL Nash
Lake City, Florida
Phone: 386-752-9334
NOTE: The Westside Community Center is located 1 mile SE of where Lake Lona Elementary School was located.
2015 5th annual REUNION
DETAILS: due to possible lack of interest or someone needs to organize it
2014 4th annual REUNION
WHEN: Saturday, April 5, 2014 @ 11am
WHERE: Westside Community Center, 431 SW Birley Ave, Lake City, Florida.
DETAILS: Just passing this news along from today's Lake City newspaper....Lake Lona School reunion will be held Saturday April 5th at the Westside Community Center on Birley Road. 11AM and bring a covered dish as well as $5 donation to help pay the building rental for the day. Call Jo Ann Nash for info at 386-752-9334.
2013 3rd annual REUNION
WHEN: Saturday, April 20, 2013 @ 11am with lunch at noon. Bring a covered dish.
WHERE: Westside Community Center, 431 SW Birley Ave, Lake City, Florida.
DETAILS: This year we hold our reunion in the '"newly built" Westside Community Center. Hopefully, several will bring a cake for the “cakewalk.” A big turnout is expected, just like there was last year.
Reunion organized by former Lake Lona student: Jo Ann Noegel Nash.
2012 2nd annual REUNION
WHEN: sometime in April 2012
WHERE: no information at this time.
DETAILS: Jo Ann NOEGEL Nash was involved in organizing it.
2011 1st annual REUNION
WHEN: sometime in April 2011
WHERE: no information at this time.
DETAILS: Jo Ann NOEGEL Nash was involved in organizing it.