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 Henry Jordan 1978
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 The Jordan Family Henry, Traci & son Hank May 2006 Hair Yes, I still have a ponytail but, I never let it down
Henry Jordan Daytona Beach, Florida
Where I lived & went to school:
Atlantic Beach Elementary, Atlantic Beach, FL Sept. 1, 1959 - June 1966
Lake Lona School, Lake City, FL (3rd grade, 1963)
Eastside Elementary, Lake City, FL (5th grade, 1965)
Fletcher Jr & Sr. High School, Jacksonville Bch, FL (7 - 9th grade) 1966 - 1969
Columbia High School, Lake City, FL (1969 - 1971)(1972 grad year)
Gainesville, Florida
Red Bluff, California
and presently: Daytona Beach, Florida
1977 became a jeweler, owned jewelry store in mall, retired 2009
If you remember me from any of these places, contact me.
Here's info about one of my hobbies that put me on TV
August 29, 2005 - May 27, 2008 - webserver went off-line, for 3 years, when the 'entire building', that it was located in, was totally destroyed by the largest hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast in the last 36 years. Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 hurricaine that slammed into the coastal area of Louisiana and Mississippi. I never thought my website would be killed by a hurricane, but it was.
So, I got it all up and going again on May 27, 2008, when I moved to be webhosted at which is located in a bomb-proof cave deep under a mountain range near Scottsdale, Arizona. I hope this website will be safe this time, though I ought to check to see if there are any natural disasters (like a volcano) that affect Arizona.
February 1995 began. I learned how to write HTML and publish webpages on the Internet. I write about any and everything that interestes me. This website started with one page and grew into hundreds of pages. Then, all was lost during Hurricane Katrina. Now... this website ( is starting all over again.
My Lake City, FL era (1969 - 1971)... a place, a time & the people in my memories:
When I first wrote this Lake City topic, the content was a bit unfinished and needed work, so I removed the bulk of it, to take the time to rewrite and clearify those thoughts. So, I leave here the sentiment, the essence of my original thought. I'll post more when I feel it is more concise.
As I continue my sentient state and ponderings aka I'm still alive. The notable period of time that perpetually dominates my memories aka my formative years, was: Lake City, Florida 1969 - 1971. Though these people may or may not hear from me, the memories endure in me (I do enjoy and welcome conversation with any one of you). I believe that people cross paths for a reason. You all are indelibly embedded in my memories.
So, I would like to thank the following, Lake City 1969 - 1971, people for their 'participation in' and 'influence on' my life... they are musicians*, friends and family that populate my memories to this day and most assuredly, for all the rest of my days: my mom Bonnie Jordan, my cousin Donald Barfield, Douglas Keaton, Randy Keaton, James Keaton, Irene Keaton, Cheryl & Andra Blackley, Bill Payne (thanks for helping with my Corporate Head Light Show), Joe Rea Phillips, Bob & Mike Maso, James Dunavant, Kent Rodrigez, Ruth Crocker, Phillip Pettibone, Robert & Lucienne Taylor, David Carr, Jim Nygaard, Mickey & Pat Buchanan and Mr. Ellis (then principal of Columbia High School) and of course, many more. * NOTE: I gravitated to musicians, which only made sense during that period of time in Lake City, aka avoiding rednecks (which I'll explain on another webpage).
To all my Lake City era friends, "though I may not call you... I do think of you." And now that I am thinking about it, I may call you tomorrow. I DO THANK YOU ALL FOR CROSSING MY PATH ;-)
Other Henry Jordan websites & webpages: website that put me on TV: Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel and BBC of London
Copyright © 1995 - - Henry Jordan - Daytona Beach, Florida